Yin Yu (于音) is an artist, designer, engineer, and tenure track assistant professor at the San Diego State University School of Art and Design. Her research investigates the potential of interactive multimedia environments and the intersection of architecture, music, and emerging technologies. Her practice covers a broad spectrum, including product design, furniture design, architectural design, interactive design, wearable design, and art installation.
Yu’s works have been published and exhibited in international venues, such as the Human-Computer Interaction (CHI) conference (US), the Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID) workshop (FR), the Wearable Technology Exhibition (ES), the Expanded Animation Symposium at Ars Electronica (AT), the Xenakis22 Symposium (GR), and International Symposium of Electronic Art (FR, KR). She has won several awards, including the Dean’s Award for Achievement in Research Scholarship Creative Activity, the Academic Excellence Design and Paper Award, and Lyman and Judith Johnson Interior Architecture Award. She was the recipient of the Olivia Long Converse Fellowship and the Nascence and UO Hong Kong Alumni Scholarship.
Dr. Yu’s students will showcase their interactive and experiential art projects that combine multiple elements inspired by nature, mathematics, and technology.