Grade School

Empower Students with STEAM Topics

"STEAM with 3D Modeling: Inspire Students' Career Pathways"

This online session will explore how you can nurture an interest in STEAM by using KOOV. It will cover the educational aspects behind the engineering and robotics, and explain how the 3D interface, physical building, and digital learning can be used to help students discover and develop their strengths in a collaborative group setting. It will also explain how KOOV helps and encourages students to learn about and consider more STEAM career paths than what is often initially perceived.

P2S Inc.

10x10 Booth.
Will have a simple activity for kids (still to be determined) . Also, we will have a monitor showing building models related to our industry.


As San Diego's leader in computer science education, ThoughtSTEM will engage local K-12 students in some of the awesome video games San Diego kids are coding with our instructors. Students will learn how these video games were designed and programmed, and they'll get to see behind-the-scenes at some of the games they can code with our instructors at our summer camps this June-August at UC San Diego, San Diego State, and Cal State San Marcos.

PCI (Project Concern International)

How do women and children in the developing world get their water? They Carry It! Come learn about water projects and PCI's work to empower women and children. Meet women who have lived in places where they have to walk 6 miles a day to get water for their families - and carry a jerry can on your head to see what it is actually like! Photo opportunity provided as well.

TaylorMade Golf Company

Booth focused on (COR) showing how different types of balls react when bounced off of different types of materials. This includes golf balls. Booth will also show what the inside of a golf ball looks like and will feature some interesting facts pertaining to golf balls and a video display will show various engineering activities that take place at TaylorMade Golf Company.

STEM Explorations - ROV Design Challenge

This hands-on activity explores the tools and challenges researchers confront to explore the deep ocean. Students will work as a team to plan, build, and test their own underwater remote operated vehicles. Finally, students will get to deploy their ROVs to explore the underwater area adjacent to the Mission Bay Aquatic Center. This activity will focus on the circular experiential learning model of plan > do > AHA! > reflect > plan.

ABC 10News

Be sure to stop by the ABC 10News Experience, and where kids can have the opportunity to try their hand at being a reporter for a fire, weather, traffic, etc. Learn the art and science of Television News Production, computer generated graphics, video and social media platforms. Come meet 10News Anchors, Reporters, Producers and Photographers. ABC 10News empowers people in San Diego with information, insight and inspiration through a commitment to cover the stories that matter in San Diego.

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It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2024 Sponsors  

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