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River Bugs Are Cool

Learn how bugs can unlock secrets about the San Diego River’s health! Work with scientists to collect a sample and examine real living aquatic bugs, play games, and take home an activity book. Supplies will be provided, but please wear clothes that can get a little dirty. The activity takes about one hour, and we will have three rotations (all with the same activities). Rotations begin on the hour at 10:00, 11:00 and noon.

San Diego County Vector Control Program

The Vector Control program will provide an experience to view real-life samples of the mosquito life cycle under microscopes. You will get to see what each stage looks like and what you should look out for in your own backyard to prevent mosquito breeding. Mosquitofish will also be on display! There will be many free giveaways including pencils, insect repellent, mosquito activity books, stickers, and more!

California State University Program for Biotechnology (CSUBIOTECH)

Host a booth to showcase the work of biotechnology in the Cal State University system. CSUBIOTECH provides grants and awards, organizes the annual CSU Biotechnology Symposium, promotes industry-responsive curricular innovations, and serves as a liaison between the CSU and government, regional and biotechnology industry partners, including philanthropic partners.

San Diego County Vector Control Program/Live Well San Diego

We will show live larvae samples, mosquito eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults to be observed under microscopes. We will provide educational material and free resources to learn how to stay safe from vectors in San Diego County. In addition to this, there will be displays of what to look out for in your community or household that could attract vectors to your homes. In addition to this, we will provide FREE repellent samples and other fun giveaways for everyone who stops by our booth!

County of San Diego Vector Control Program

The booth will include info about mosquitoes & public health. There will be interactive activities where visitors can look at insect samples under microscopes. Visitors will learn about the mosquito life cycle, entomology, and how to stay safe from vector transmitted diseases. There will also be giveaways like pencils, magnets, or magnifiers. Info about other environmental health programs including water quality analysis will also be available. We will try to have a Spanish speaker present.

STEAM Week Live Main Stage

The San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering, presented by the Illumina Foundation, will be fully virtual this year from April 24-May 2 on lovestemsd.org.

The Live Main Stage event is from 10am-6pm on Tuesday, April 27 and Wednesday, April 28 with fun and interactive STEAM activities, a special Women in STEAM event as well as a COVID-19 conversation for kids and teens.

Patrick Henry High School

A "Walk-in-Painting" based on Entomology. Designed, fabricated and exhibited by the students of Patrick Henry High School. Visual Art and Biology classes, guided by Jason Rogalski, will share this interactive installation exploring the scientific study of insects, with a focus on the honey bee.

2025 Festival Presenting Sponsor

2025 Festival Platinum Sponsor

2025 Festival Gold Sponsors

We Love Our 2025 Sponsors!

It takes true community spirit and engagement to build a successful Festival Week and momentum to support ongoing programs. Our mission is to provide meaningful year-round STEAM experiences for youth and adults alike in San Diego, and throughout the state of CA through our virtual platform.

2025 Sponsors  

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