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Marine Science Day
Cabrillo Bioblitz 2016
Join us at San Diego's only National Park to help celebrate our 100th anniversary with a nation-wide Bioblitz! Come help San Diego scientist quantify all of the plants and animals that call Cabrillo home. There will be science and art based activities for all ages as well as food, fun, and music. Get up. Get out. And FIND YOUR PARK!
The Cool Gang
Reptiles of the World
Element Pros
County of San Diego's Department of Environmental Health & Quality - Hazardous Materials Division & Beach and Bay Program
San Diego State University
San Diego State University representatives from science, health and engineering will provide engaging and interactive activities for students and families of all ages. Touch urchins wearing hats, code your own bracelet, build neurons out of pipe cleaners, explore the solar system in virtual reality and more! Learn directly from the SDSU researchers and innovators leading San Diego to new heights in STEM.
Gastec International Corporation
Live demonstration of the Gastec Gas Detector Tube System consisting of a handheld non-electric Gas Sampling Pump and Detector Tubes (for up to 350 different substances) containing non-hazardous reagents in which there will be a chemical reaction resulting in a color change and thereby able to determine what's in the air. There is also a children's version available for educational purposes.